The release notes include descriptions of new and enhanced features, changes to existing features, and resolved issues. Browse by date to find out what's new in the latest version of Reference Solutions.

Release Date: Apr 21, 2023
Enabled 2022 historical data
Feature Update:
  • The historical business data for the year 2022 is enabled for the records
  • The user will be able to see the business-related information for the year 2022 under the U.S. Historical Businesses database

Release Date: Oct 10, 2022
Functionality to search the businesses owned by Veteran, Female, and Minority community
Feature Update:
  • There are new advance filters – Female Owned, Veteran Owned, and Minority Owned, added under the “Ownership” section of the U.S. Businesses Database
  • Using these filters, the user will be able to search for businesses owned by Females, Veteran, and Minorities
Release Date: Oct 10, 2022
Functionality to omit ATMs and Kiosks location type from the searched records
Feature Update:
  • Three new advance filters – OMIT: ATM and Kiosk is added in U.S. Businesses and U.S. New Businesses database to exclude ATM & Kiosk from the search
  • OMIT: ATM and Kiosk are added under the “Exclusions” section of advanced filters
Release Date: Oct 10, 2022
Parent company name as an added information is available in downloads
Feature Update:
  • A default column – Parent Company Name is provided by default in all the download formats
  • Parent Company Name is available for U.S. Businesses Database
Release Date: Aug 31, 2022
The functionality to filter records based on Mail deliverability score is added
Feature Update:
  • Mailing address filter is added for U.S. Businesses and U.S. Consumers database under the “Geography” and “Housing selections” section respectively
  • Using the filter, the users will be able to find the businesses and consumers based on their mail deliverability levels

Release Date: Aug 11, 2022
Functionality to search, view and download a company by using the company’s Legal name
Feature Update:
  • The “Legal name” as a search option is available under U.S. Businesses Database
  • The users will be able to find businesses using the Legal name of the companies
  • The “Legal name” filter option is available under the “Company name” section
  • The users can add “Legal name” as a column grid to view the data
  • “Legal name” is available in the download as an additional column